Counseling Policies


Will C Wood High School has a student driven master schedule. Course sections are created based off student request. It is important that students make careful decisions based on graduation requirements and college/career goals. Students will meet individually with their counselors in the second semester to select core classes, electives and alternatives to meet college/career goals.


The first seven days of school is the only week a student can request a schedule change. For any academic course change to take place, counselors will consult course selection forms, teacher recommendations, and course prerequisites. Schedule change requests that do not meet criteria below will not be processed. Acceptable schedule change requests will be made if master schedule allows, however these changes are not guaranteed.

Acceptable schedule change requests:

1. Student needs to change a class to meet a high school graduation requirement or to meet a college eligibility requirement.

2. Student has been scheduled into the wrong level of a class 

3. Student has not completed the pre-requirement required for the class enrolled

4. Student is missing a class/period or schedule error.

5. Non AP Elective courses (Must be within the same period). 

Unacceptable schedule change requests:

• Requests for a different teacher.

• Change of class period based on preference.

• Dropping AP courses for which a AP Master agreement has been signed. 


If a request is made after the 1st week of school, parents and students will be directed to contact the classroom teacher to resolve any problems/concerns and to discuss strategies for success. Parents can call the counseling office to schedule a parent/teacher Student Plan for Success meeting after the first Quarter. Administrative approval will be required in the rare case a change is warranted after one week. At spring semester, yearlong courses will only be dropped forextenuating circumstances with administrative approval.


In order to drop an AP course after an AP Master Agreement has been signed, a Plan for Success meeting must be held with the student, teacher and parent. Please see the district policy for class changes, as well as the Plan for Success meeting handout.


Seniors may register for one unscheduled period if they qualify based on the criteria below and have parent/guardian permission. They can only request 1st or 6th period.  

In order to be unscheduled, students must complete this google form. It does not apply to students in VECHS or enrolled in Work Experience. Parents/Guardians are required to email their student's counselor giving their permission for the student to be unscheduled. 


1) Students must have earned 175 credits by the beginning of their senior year. By the end of the fall semester of senior year, students must have earned 200 credits.

2) Students must be on track to meet A-G requirements OR to earn their Career Technical Education (CTE) Completer status:
  • A-G requirements include having earned a C or better in the following classes/subject areas:
    English 9-12, World History, US History, IM 1-3, Biology, Chemistry/Earth Science, Fine Art, World Languages (2 years), 1 College Prep elective
    • If students have earned below a C in any of the above courses, they would be required to repeat the course or participate in a CTE pathway prior to being allowed to have an unscheduled period.
  • CTE Completer includes successfully passing a level 1 course and enrolling in one of the following capstone classes (level 2): Advanced Photography, Auto II, Aviation Mechanics, Building Trades II, Culinary II, Kinesiology II, Medical Science II, Teaching in Practice, or Video Game Design.
    • Students must also be on track with meeting the following CTE Completer Criteria:
      As part of the capstone class, students are required to participate in career ready workshops, and complete the appropriate industry recognized certifications. By the end of the year, students must complete a portfolio and participate in an exit interview.
      Students must complete a minimum of 20 hours of approved, field-related work experiences. If students are not making progress toward the field work or other requirements at the semester, they may lose their unscheduled period.

Counselors will do their best to accommodate requests. However, classes may not be able to move in order to grant the unscheduled period.

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