Advisory/FLEX Time

In 2019-2020, Will C. Wood established the Advisory Period and Flex Time model of Academic Intervention, Support, and Enrichment. This program incorporates an additional 30 minute period to each school day between 2nd and 3rd period (excluding Wednesdays) for these purposes.

ADVISORY: Each student is assigned to an Advisory teacher and the Advisory class meets each Monday in the Teacher's room or designated location. During Advisory, students will participate in school-wide lessons on character, school expectations, academic success, and other topics. Students will also use this time to sign up for their FLEX TIME offerings, which take place on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Advisory teachers will also help students in navigating different issues that come up, and direct students to people they can go to to get help.

FLEX TIME: All students will be granted access to an account in the Flexi SCHED program using their district Google log in credentials. Using Flexi Sched, (link below) students will sign up for their FLEX TIME classes, which take place between second and third period on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. There are four types of FLEX TIME offerings at Wood:

1.) Intervention: Students who have been placed in an Intervention have been identified by their teacher as needing additional targeted support in an unmastered skill, topic, or assignment. Students may not override teacher placement in an Intervention and must attend those sessions. Flexi Sched will notify students of their placement in an Intervention each Monday during sign-ups.

2.) Study and Support: These FLEX TIME offerings are voluntary and students who are not placed in an Intervention may select an offering based on their own identified need for extra time and support. For example, a student who needs additional help on a Biology assignment would sign up to see their Biology teacher.

3.) Enrichment: Students may also sign up for offerings that are considered Enrichment, such as club meetings, art workshops, and sports.

4.) College and Career: Students will have the ability to sign up for college information sessions, Career-Tech Ed Speakers, sessions with the college counselor, etc.


WCW Flexi SCHED Log In Page for Students and Staff

Flex Time Weekly Offerings (Current Week)

Advisory and Flex Time Overview and Flexi SCHED Detailed Instructions

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