Attendance Policies


Research shows that students need to attend school daily to succeed and that academic achievement is strongly correlated with regular school attendance. Will C. Wood High School staff supports students and families in meeting district and state attendance expectations while providing appropriate intervention programs to improve attendance for struggling students.


Students who are absent from (school) have three days to clear the absence. A parent or guardian must call (707) 453-6900 ext. 1015), email ([email protected]), or write a note explaining the absence. Written notes can be delivered to the attendance office, faxed to (707) 451-3656, or scanned and emailed to [email protected]. Absence Excusal Notes Must Include: name of the student, the present date, the date(s) of absence, reason for the absence, a parent/guardian signature, and phone number where parent can be reached. Absences not cleared after the third day from returning will be marked as unexcused.

Students with three (3) or more unexcused absences are considered truant by the state of California. In addition, students who drop below 90% attendance are considered to be a chronic absentee by the state of California. Truancies are not excused and may result in SARB (School Attendance Review Board) proceedings, D.A. Mediation, and possible citations issued to the student and/or parent that may lead to court fines, community service, and other legal consequences. 3.4

In accordance with Ed. Code 46012, students 18 years of age or older may verify their own excused absences. We encourage 18 year old students to continue to be in communication with their parent/guardian about their attendance as poor attendance may affect graduation.


Excused Absences The state of California sets the rules for which absences are excused and which are unexcused. Absences are excused for student illness, quarantine, verifiable medical appointments, funeral services for the death of an immediate family member, an appearance in court, or religious services. Family trips/vacations are not excused, even with a note. If there is a reason that a student must miss school, in excess of 5 school days, please contact the attendance office regarding the possibility of Short-Term Independent Study.


Vacaville Unified School District Administrative Regulation regarding absences and late work [AR 5121(c)].

  1. In grading late work, the student who has missed assignments (i.e., an assignment given on a day that the student was absent) because of an excused absence should receive full credit for work completed within the time given. It shall be the student's responsibility to contact the teacher and to obtain the assignments. The minimum number of days allowed for such makeup should be equivalent to the number of days the student has been absent plus one day. An extension of this time may be given at the discretion of the teacher. AR 5117 provides guidance regarding excused absences and makeup work.
  2. Upon return to school, students who have missed assignments because of suspension shall be allowed to make up the work within a period not to exceed the days missed plus one day. It shall be the student's responsibility to contact the teacher and to obtain the assignments.
  3. In providing makeup assignments, a teacher may provide an alternative assignment of equal scope and weight.
  4. Credit may not be given for assignments missed due to absence or suspension if they are not completed within the time given.
  5. Credit may not be given for makeup work submitted by a student whose absence was unexcused and/or truant. This can negatively affect student grades.

NOTE: Students who are truant, you can't participate in any extra-curricular activities that day. Truant students (students who cut class) are also subject to disciplinary action.

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