Student Clubs

Baking Club Love baking or baked goods? Join the baking club. When: Tuesday Flex alternating weeks; Where: A2; Advisor: Tasha Hagerman Black Student Union This club is to unite the African American students on campus and celebrate their culture and diversity. When: Tuesday Flex; Where: S2; Advisor: Mrs. Twila Jackson and Erin Gordon Choirs Club Fundraisers and planning enrichment activities for WCW Choir students. When: 4th Thursday Flex; Where: Choir Room; Advisor: Colby Hawkins Computer Science Club New technologies can have positive impacts on our society but can also perpetuate inequalities and discrimination for already marginalized communities. Hence the cruciality of inclusion and diversity in the development of new technologies. This club's goal is to teach not only the intricacies of computer science but push forward diversity in a field where inequity exists. More importantly, we work hard to inspire all students to explore the field inside of class and outside with the hopes of a future career in CS. In our flex meetings, I teach the basics of coding with Python leveraging free online platforms such as RepLit. In conclusion, this club aims to create change that matters in the computer science field. When: Flex, alternating weeks; Where: C4; Advisor: Tasha Hagerman C.S.F- (California Scholarship Federation) An honor society recognizing students who complete challenging academic classes and do well. Life members are eligible for the local C.S.F. scholarship and for recognition at graduation. Sign-ups at the beginning of each semester are advertised over announcements. When: N/A; Where: B1; Advisor: Zoe Jordan Creative Writing Club Creative Writing Club exists to promote and celebrate creative writing of all types, styles, and genres and encourage young writers to find and unleash their voices! Join us as we share the written and spoken word and meet other writers along the way! All are welcome. When: Thursday Flex; Where: C8; Advisor: Mrs. Nunogawa; Drama Club This club is open to all students who have an interest in either onstage or backstage work at the Catwalk Theatre. Experience is always welcome, but not necessary. When: Wednesday Flex; Where: Catwalk Theatre/C12; Advisor: Mrs. Jimenez Forever Friends Club This is a chance for students to play games, to art, or just talk with students who have special needs. When: Tue, Wed, Thu Flex; Where: M11; Advisor: George Wales Jr; GSA Genders & Sexualities Alliance Club, GSA celebrates diversity on campus; promotes tolerance and respect among students; promotes a safe campus for all students, and provides a place for students to find support. All students are welcome. When: TBA; Where: TBA; Advisor: TBA More Info: GSA Website Key Club A community service club that volunteers for different local organizations and fundraisers for various charities! We're here to make our community a better place! When: Thursday Flex; Where: C11; Advisor: Ms. Wilson Latinx This club is to unite the Hispanic students on campus and celebrate their culture and diversity. When: Thursday Flex; Where: Cafeteria; Advisor: Merino Co-Advisor: Gómez; Music Performance Club This club is for enrichment and creativity. This is an open mic opportunity for all students: come to listen or play music. We play music for each other, and all students have the chance to perform an original song or cover, with an instrument or karaoke, or simply sit and be good listeners for their peers. All songs will be monitored and approved for school appropriateness by the club advisor. Students will abide by the following guidelines: Listen: Active listening is the best way to learn. Support: Be a good audience, no competition, celebrate the beauty of songs, learn about music, create your own songs and practice them, and perform songs. Everyone can sing! When: Thursday Flex; Where: B8; Advisor: Mr. O'Leary Nursing Club Are you interested in healthcare and want a club with numerous opportunities to network and communicate with actual members of the healthcare profession? Within the nursing club, we’ll have various events and activities for you to participate in including fundraising activities, informational sessions during flex, hands-on activities, guest speakers and connected internships and volunteer opportunities, charity and community service opportunities, and projects that will bring us closer to our Vacaville community and WCW student body. When: Wednesday Flex; Where: S2 or S6; Advisor: Ms. Gordon and Ms. Ludwig; Orchestra Club This club often works on fundraisers for the orchestra. It also helps plan orchestra events, trips, and competitions. When: No set time; Where: Music Room; Advisor: Joanna Mackinson Service Leadership Club When: 4th period; Where:M9; Advisor: Areli Heard (Pina) STEM Club When: Tuesday Flex; Where: S5; Advisor: Mrs. Leonard Tabletop Games Club Join us for relaxed and friendly games! Come and play Dungeons and Dragons, Magic the Gathering, and more with friendly, accepting peers. Whether you're new to the games or an experienced player, all polite students are welcome. When: Wednesdays 4-5pm; Where: L4; Advisor: Mr. Tress Yarn Club Love to crochet or knit, or want to learn? Join us and get to know other crafty friends and learn a new skill! All are welcome. When: Thursday Flex; Where: B6; Advisor: Ms. Patterson;
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