Culinary Arts

Making the headlines in the local paper! Daily Republic Article, May-22-2023
Daily Republic clipping - From left, Alexander Pham, Kevin Gierak and Christopher Cole of the Will C. Wood Wildcat Chefs show the judges their proposal for improving dining facility flow of customers during the Travis Junior Spark Challenge at Travis Air Force Base, Friday, May 19, 2023. High school students from Solano County and the surrounding areas presented possible solutions to issues that Travis Air Force Base is currently trying to solve. (Aaron Rosenblatt/Daily Republic)
Culinary Example 001Culinary Example 002Culinary Example 003Culinary Example 004Culinary Example 005Culinary Example 006Culinary Example 007Chocolate Souffle

CTE Year 1 - Culinary Arts 1

This course is designed to give students an entry-level understanding of the food service industry. Utilizing the kitchen as a learning laboratory, students will be introduced to an array of restaurant and food service skills. Through instructor-led demonstrations, lectures, and student lab groups this course will focus on mastery of the following skill sets: sanitation and safety, basic cooking and baking skills, and very basic hospitality management and problem-solving. After successfully completing this course students will be equipped with the necessary training and understanding of the subject matter to move on to Level II of the Culinary Arts Program. Culinary_Arts_1_syllabus.pdf

CTE Year 2 - Culinary Arts 2

This course is designed to give students a more advanced level of understanding of the food service industry. Utilizing the kitchen as a learning laboratory, students will be introduced to further restaurant and food service skills while practicing essential fundamentals. Through instructor-led demonstrations, lectures, and student lab groups this course will focus on mastery of the following skill sets: sanitation and safety, advanced cooking and baking skills, and some hospitality management and problem-solving. After successfully completing this course students will be equipped with the necessary training and understanding of the subject matter to be certified CTE completers of our Culinary Arts Pathway. Culinary_Arts_2_syllabus.pdf


Binder, pen/pencil for written work. (Come to class prepared)

Course Requirements

The student will be expected to meet the same physical demands and be exposed to the same working conditions typical of the foodservice business

  • Standing and walking on hard surfaces
  • Working with hot surfaces, steam, and wet floors
  • Heavy lifting
  • Handling potentially dangerous equipment
  • Heavy cleaning of floors, work-surfaces, tools, and equipment

Required Uniforms for Labs

Chef jackets will be provided for the student to utilize during lab days. The student is expected to wear clean and appropriate clothing such as closed toe shoes (no flip flops or sandals), long pants, a sleeved shirt, and to avoid clothing inappropriate for working in a kitchen. FAILURE TO WEAR PROPER UNIFORM WILL PREVENT STUDENT FROM PARTICIPATING IN LAB WORK LEARNING.

Course Policies

Attendance: It is imperative that students are in class.
Tardies: Students must be in the door by the time the tardy bell rings or they shall be counted tardy.

Class Participation

This is a very hands-on class. In order to get the most out of it you MUST participate. Participation will be monitored. Participation points will be reflected throughout your grade.

Student Expectations

  • Come to class prepared everyday
  • Active Participation
  • Professional behavior towards instructor and classmates
  • Never be late to lab days (they are your “work days”)

Late Assignments

A student will be marked down for late assignments without a proper excused absences. Missed cooking labs can be made up either at home or an alternative assignment can be given for excused absences.


Food and other kitchen supplies are the most important part of our culinary class and often times they can be rather expensive and so any help or donations you can provide are greatly appreciated. However, there are no required fees or lab costs for the class, so please do not feel obligated. Donations simply help us provide more unique and diverse cooking experiences with various ingredients that we may not be able to normally afford otherwise. Donations can be in the form of gift cards to grocery stores like Costco or WinCo, checks, new unopened fresh food, and receipts will be provided.

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