Visual and Performing Arts


For more information on staff and their emails, please visit: Directory / Staff Directory
Colby Hawkins Choir Director
Annamarie Jimenez Teacher - English/Theatre Arts
Stephanie Jones Art Teacher / Dept. Chair
Danelle Kanellis Art Teacher
Joanna Mackinson Orchestra Director
Eric Roberts Band Director/Dept. Chair
Carrie Wilkerson Photography Teacher



(1 year- may be repeated) 11th - 12th grade

Prerequisite: Visual Art I-P and Painting, Sculpture, as well as teacher recommendation.

This course requires completion of summer assignments for enrollment.

AP Studio Art is a two-semester course. This course is for highly motivated students who are seriously interested in the study of art. Students will independently explore problems, techniques, art history, and art careers. A quality portfolio based on the students' interest in a particular visual concern in a variety of means and materials is the primary goal. Quality, concentration, and breadth will be stressed throughout the course. This course requires completion of summer assignments for fall enrollment. *Students will take the AP Exam or an equivalent exam as part of their final course grade.


(1 year) 10th - 12th grade Prerequisite: None

This course is an introduction to the concepts and processes of graphic design. Students learn about the field of graphic design and work with computers in bitmap, vector graphic, and page layout software, as well as with traditional art and design media. Projects involved digital imaging, typography, identity design, and page layout. Original projects will include: posters, logos, magazine covers, brochures and t-shirt design for personal use and business. Students will leave the course with a strong foundation in graphic design, which will enable them to create designs independently. This foundation will enhance their prospects for entering high education in the design field and the potential to become professional graphic designers.


(1 year) 11th - 12th grade Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in Graphic Design 1

This course will build off of skills and concepts learned in Graphic Design 1, students will continue to learn skills regarding Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. Students will be creating design through teacher assignments. Students will also have the opportunity to work with different groups and departments on campus to create designs for posters, t-shirts, invitations, advertisements, etc. The overriding theme of visual Perception will be explored throughout the year- what it is, how does it affect a target audience, and by what means does a designer attempt to use it.


(1 year) 11th- 12th grade

Prerequisite: Survey of Art I-P, Visual Art I-P, or teacher approval

Painting, which is part of the course, emphasizes the importance of technique, color and composition in assisting individual painting expression. Students will create painting on paper, canvas and 3-D surfaces using tempera, acrylic or oils, watercolor and mixed media. Students will study art movements, a variety of cultures and the careers of artists, especially twentieth century artists. Sculpture is another part of the course involving three-dimensional design and creativity. Emphasis is on form, spatial organization and expression. Students will become familiar with the tools and materials of the sculptor and how the tools and materials are used to express ideas. A variety of cultures, art periods, sculptors and sculptures will be studied in order to broaden the student's awareness of numerous areas of expression. Students will investigate art related careers and artists.


(1 year) 11th - 12th grade Prerequisite: None

Photography I-P is an introductory course which covers both digital and traditional photography methods. Students will be introduced to theories of composition and artistic perception that will aid in the development of a personal photographic style. Students will learn how to edit photos in Adobe Suite programs including Photoshop and Lightroom. Students will be trained in how to use an SLR film camera and will be familiar with darkroom developing and printing practices. By the end of the school year, students will have a portfolio of digital work as well as traditional darkroom prints.


(1 year) 9th - 12th grade Prerequisite: None

Survey of Art I-P is an introductory course that provides the foundations of visual expression in different media, selected art history lessons, aesthetic valuing and criticism. Special emphasis is placed on creative expression and problem-solving skills. The art elements and principles of design serve as the foundation for units covered. Students will become familiar with tools, vocabulary, technique, processes and possibilities of two-dimensional and three-dimensional design. Selected historical or cultural contexts will be applied with attention to analysis, interpretation, and judgment of student work as well as appreciation of works of art from other cultures. The emphasis in this class is in production using a variety of media.


(1 year) 9th - 12th grade Prerequisite: None

Visual Art I-P provides the foundations of visual expression in different media, selected art history lessons, aesthetic valuing and criticism through alignment with The Visual and Performing Art Standards and Framework of California. Emphasis in this course is for the student who has an interest in beginning a portfolio and deepening skills in drawing, design, sculpture, and painting. Students will utilize the Elements of Art and Principles of Design, as the foundation for units covered. Students will become immersed in the process of creative expression, problem-solving skills, technique, and acquire the ability to visually communicate thoughts and ideas. Reflective practice, assessment, and rubrics will be utilized throughout the class. Students will gain insight into past and current art history periods and become aware of art-related careers.



(1 year may be repeated) 9th - 12th grade

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor following evaluation of student skills.

The Advanced Symphonic Band-P is the second most advanced of the four large performing bands. The ensemble concentrates on exploring challenging high school literature written for band. The Advanced Symphonic Band-P performs at concerts, festivals, and other public events as time and performance ability allow. Through their membership in Advanced Symphonic Band-P, the students are offered other performance options such as honor bands, solos, small ensembles, pep bands, marching band, school musical and concert tour.


(1 year -may be repeated) 10th - 12th grade

Prerequisite: 2 years of string orchestra instruction or consent of instructor following evaluation of student skills. Audition based class.

The Chamber Orchestra-P is an advanced string ensemble that concentrates on exploring the various original works and transcriptions for its medium. The ensemble performs at concerts, festivals and other public events as time and performance ability allow. Through their membership in Chamber Orchestra-P, the students are offered other performance options such as honor orchestras, solos, small ensembles, school musicals and concert tours.


(1 year - may be repeated) 9th - 12th Prerequisite: Consent of instructor following evaluation of student skills

The Orchestra-P (String) concentrates on exploring the various original works and transcriptions for its medium. The ensemble performs at concerts, festivals and other public events as time and performance ability allow. Through their membership in Orchestra-P, the students are offered other performance options such as honor orchestras, solos, small ensembles, school musicals and concert tours.


(1 year - may be repeated) 9th - 12th grade

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor following evaluation of student skills

The Symphonic Band-P is one of four large performing groups in the music department. The ensemble concentrates on exploring the various original works and transcriptions for its medium. The ensemble performs at concerts, festivals and other public events as time and performance ability allow. Through their membership in Symphonic Band-P, the students are offered other performance options such as honor bands, solos, small ensembles, school musical and concert tour.


(1 year - may be repeated) 9th - 12th grade Prerequisite: Consent of instructor following evaluation of student skills

The Wind Ensemble-P is one of the four large performing bands. The ensemble concentrates on exploring challenging high school literature written for band. The Wind Ensemble-P performs at concerts, festivals, and other public events as time and performance ability allow. Through their membership in Wind Ensemble-P, the students are offered other performance options such as honor bands, solos, small ensembles, pep bands, marching band, school musical and concert tour.


(1 year - may be repeated) 9th - 12th grade

Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in another Music Dept. course OR consent of instructor following evaluation of student skills.

The Jazz Band-P is the first of two limited enrollment performing ensembles in the music department which are composed of set numbers of saxophones, trumpets, and trombones, with rhythm instruments to include piano, bass, electric guitar and percussion (drum set and auxiliary percussion). The ensemble concentrates on exploring the various original works and transcriptions for its medium. The ensemble performs at concerts, festivals and other public events as time and performance ability allow. Through their membership in Jazz Band, the students are offered other performance options such as honor jazz bands, solos, small ensembles (combos), school musical and concert tour.


MIXED CHORUS (Beginning)
(1 year - may be repeated) 9th-12th grade Prerequisite: None
Mixed Choir is a non-auditioned, beginning vocal ensemble in which students focus on the fundamentals of vocal technique, sight singing, music theory, music history, the learning and performance of a diverse repertoire of music. Students are encouraged to develop their voices through individual and ensemble performance and attendance is mandatory at all performances.

CONCERT CHOIR (Intermediate)
(1 year - may be repeated) 9th-12th grade

Prerequisite: One year of chorus and/or consent of instructor following vocal evaluation

Women's Chorus is an auditioned, female vocal ensemble in which students add to their knowledge of the fundamentals of vocal technique, sight singing, music theory, music history, and the learning and performance of a diverse repertoire of music. Students are encouraged to develop their voices through individual and ensemble performance and attendance is mandatory at all performances.

VOCAL ENSEMBLE (Intermediate)
(1 year - may be repeated) 9th-12th grade

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor following vocal evaluation in spring of prior year

WCW Sylvan Choir is a large, auditioned, mixed vocal ensemble in which students build upon a beginning level of vocal technique, sight singing, music theory, music history, the learning and performance of a diverse repertoire of music. This choir travels every other year on a performance/competition trip and attends local competitions on off-travel years. It is a year-long, intermediate level high school course requiring a vocal audition in April/May of the school year prior to enrollment the following fall.

WCW SINGERS (Advanced)
(1 year - may be repeated) 9th-12th grade

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor following vocal evaluation in April/May of the school year prior to enrollment AND concurrent enrollment in Vocal Ensemble

The WCW Sylvan Singers are a small, elite auditioned vocal ensemble in which students build on an intermediate level of vocal technique, sight singing, music theory, music history, and the learning and performance of Madrigal, Chamber, and Show Choir music. It is a year-long honors level high school course held during A period requiring a vocal audition in April/May of the school year prior to enrollment the following fall. This choir attends a mandatory summer retreat/performance camp at Lake Tahoe, produces an annual holiday Madrigal Dinner, travels every other year on a performance/competition trip and attends local competitions on off-travel years. WCW Sylvan Singers are also eligible to audition for the advanced handbell ensemble, WCW Tintinnabulists.



(1 year) 9th - 12th grade Prerequisite: None

During the first quarter, Theatre Arts I concentrates on the use of theatre games and improvisation to allow the first-timer as well as the more experienced theatre student to become more comfortable on stage. The second quarter incorporates modern monologues and scene work to continue the study of the techniques and fundamentals of acting. The fundamentals of stage vocabulary, appropriate lighting, and set design are also involved. Students who are interested in becoming more comfortable in front of both small and large audiences are highly encouraged to sign up. The second semester begins with the study of the history of theatre - the traditional Greek and Roman periods, progressing through the Renaissance and Restoration periods. Shakespeare's monologues and scenes are then discussed and performed. Students will progress to incorporate Theatre I acting and production knowledge and Theatre II historical understanding to create their own theatrical presentations for their Final. Students will graduate with a basic knowledge of acting and directing, but also an appreciation of Theatre Arts in general.


(1 year; Can be repeated) 10th - 12th grade

Prerequisite: Theatre Arts I/II with a grade of "C" or better; or with teacher recommendation

This course is designed to give the student further specialized training in developing the techniques of acting and more subtle character presentation as well as to increase his/her appreciation for drama as a cultural and social force. With the teacher's permission, the student will be able to repeat this class each year. The focus of each of the subsequent semester's work will change to accommodate different levels of competence. In class the students will apply their skills of acting, handling technical aspects, and evaluating performance. The students will receive further instruction in set design, lighting, costuming, make-up, and theatre technology. The students will study the techniques of directing by selecting scenes to produce for either in-class or outside-of-class audiences. The students will continue to study selected plays. It is expected that the students will show a greater involvement with the major productions offered each semester.

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