Rule of 85


Participation in Wildcat Citizenship Plan activities is governed by the Rule of 85. This rule requires students to be in class and on time at least 85% of the time. School-related activities such as field trips and sports excusals are not included in the calculation. All other absences whether excused, unexcused, unverified, truant (including those occurring during Academic Success) and tardies are part of the calculation.

Students who fall below the 85% threshold are ineligible to participate in Wildcat Citizenship Plan activities until their attendance reaches the minimum standard of 85%.

At regularly scheduled and publicized intervals, the administration will determine eligibility under the Rule of 85 and notify ineligible students and guardians. Students may voluntarily attend Saturday School or Super Saturday to improve their attendance rate or submit an appeal to the administration. A Saturday School or Super Saturday will only clear a Full Day Absence. If you have any questions regarding your attendance, please check in with the office before school, during lunch, or after school.

Appeals: There may be very limited opportunities for appeal based on significant and extraordinary circumstances. Appeals to the Rule of 85 should be directed to your assigned administrator and completed by the student, then signed by the guardian.

For more information on the Rule of 85, please use the following links:

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